Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Graduation Rate Trends in California Essay Example for Free

Graduation Rate Trends in California Essay In California, graduation rates among public high schools students declined from sixty nine percent in 1992 to sixty five percent in 1996 (Plucker, ET all). In 2000, the State managed to exceed the national graduation average rate for public high schools for the first time in that decade. Before that year, California had always being between half to four points below the national average (Plucker, ET all). Johnson (2008) quotes from the 2008 Sacramento County Children’s Report Card report by stating that graduation rate in the high schools has fallen with fewer students meeting the requirements needed to join either California State University or The University of California. According to the report, the high schools graduation rate declined from 85. 1 percent in 2000/1 to 79. 6 percent in 2006/7. In the same report, it was revealed that the percentage rate of graduates (high school) who meet the GSU and UC requirement fell from 34. 4 % in 2002 to 22. 5 % in 2006 (Johnson, 2008). On the other hand, Mitchell (2008) reports that in Los Angeles, the number of public school students graduating has fallen for two consequent years (2006/7). She attributes this to the policy requiring all the students to pass an exit examination if they will have to get a diploma. The study also shows that decrease in the graduation rate can be attributed to the experiences of students while at the middle school and the quality of the high school teachers (Mitchel Sberg, 2008). According to San Jose Mercury News, the administration of exit exam was the reason for the decline in the graduation rate in the year 2006 (the first class sat for the exam). The rate of the high school graduates fell by four percent in California that year (Dave, 2007). However, despite the general decline in the number of students who are graduating, the number from the minority students is increasing (Nierstedt 2008). Experts have projected that the rate of graduation will continue falling over the next five years and that will definitely cause a decrease in college applications. On the other hand, due to the rising numbers of the graduating minority groups such as Asians and Hispanics colleges’ diversity will increase (Nierstedt 2008). The graduation rate in California among the blacks is increasing as compared to that of the whites students. For example, Pomona College in California has a graduation rate of black students being eighty-three percent, which is below that of other similar institutions. However, if compared with graduation rate of the white students, the rate is higher because the rate of graduation for the later is eighty one percent (Edwards, 2009). In addition, the methods that are used to calculate the rate are criticized because of the variations that are gotten if checked by different institutions. For example, California data shows that its graduation rate is better than the national average. However when the rate is analyzed by ethnic or racial groups, the results show that the number of African Americans and the Latinos is lost disproportionately (Koehler, 2004). Seventy percent of all the students in Californian schools graduate but two out of every five black Americans never graduated in 2000(Olmos, 2008). According to Patrcia (2008), Latino and African American students are less likely to graduate from high schools when compared to the white or Asian students. Also about one third or a quarter of all the public high schools students in California do not graduate. There is an allegation that there are States, California included that inflate graduation rate. The Education Trust based in Washington stated that â€Å"many States hide behind false data† with the study conducted showing that California had once reported that its graduation rate was eighty seven percent while in the real sense it was approximately seventy one percent (Eslinger, 2005). The report by the US Department of Education shows that the rate of graduation in all secondary schools is seventy percent with some schools in poor urban areas of California with a rate of forty four percent. This has been attributed to high costs of education and political and social factors (Douglass, 2008). Of all the 2004 high school students who sat for The California High School Exit Exam, only less than a half passed the exams a situation that forced the education board to postpone the use of the results as a graduation requirement until 2006 (Warren, 2008). Many young people in the State of California do not complete high school, many of them being African Americans and the Latinos (WestED, 2008). Fifty three percent of LAUSD students (freshman) never graduate four years later when compared to thirty eight percent of County freshman and twenty eight percent of California ninth graders (California Department of Education, 2009). A report by the Los Angeles County, Sheriff Lee Baca gave a report that associates the increase in criminal activities with the low rate of graduation among students. The reports suggests measures to increase the rate of graduation which include participating in high quality preschool, check and use of connect programs (to monitor whether high risk students are in school and connect them with needed services) (Bagchi, 2008). To improve the situation, several researches have been undertaken to get the main reason why the rate of graduation is moving down. The University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute has initiated the California drop out research project. The main objective of the research is to synthesize the researches that already exist and also to be in a position to make the policymakers and the public know the nature and the solutions to this problem(California Dropout Research Project, 2008). The report also suggests claims that the government of California is not doing enough to reduce the decreasing rate of graduation and more investment should be done to contain the situation (FCIK, 2008). The California Get Real coalition has proposed that Career technical education expansion can be useful in increasing the graduation rate in California (Price, 2007). On the other hand, Eccles (2008) states that students should be motivated to continue with their studies by building a stronger student teacher relationship. Students should also enroll in CTE programs as they increase their chances of graduating (Bates, 2008). REFERENCES Bagchi, S. (2008). Improving Graduation rates can cut crimes. Los Angeles: Heartland Institute. Retrieved March 5, 2009, from http://www. heartland. org/publications/school%20reform/article/22869/Improving_ Graduation_Rates_Can_Cut_Crime. html Bates, S. (2008). Facts about Academic success, drop-out rates, and career technical education. Retrieved March 5, 2009 http://www. citea. org/images/resources/Facts_about_academic_success_dropout_rates_ and_CTE pdf California Department of Education. (2009). Student Enrollment and Graduation Trends for LAUSD, Los Angeles County and California. Retrieved March 5, 2009 from http://www. afabc. org/chevron%20texaco%20brochure-2. pdf Douglass, J. A. (2008). Wrong Trajectory. Retrieved March 5, 2009, from http://alumni. berkeley. edu/california/200805/freespeech. asp Eccles, J. (2008). Can middle school reform increase high school graduation rates? Retrieved March 5, 2009, from http://www. edcoe. k12. ca. us/departments/curriculum_instruction/documents/ CILC082008_DropOutMiddleSchoolReform. pdf FCIK. (2008). Drop out Prevention report. Retrieved March 5, 2009, from http://www. fightcrime. org/ca/dropout/index. php Rumberger, R. (2008). California Dropout Research Project. Retrieved March 5, 2009, from http://www. lmri. ucsb. edu/dropouts/about. htm Johnson K. (2008). Report: High school graduation rates decline in Sacramento County. Sacramento Business Journal. Retrieved March, 5 2009, from http://www. bizjournals. com/sacramento/stories/2008/11/17/daily7. html Mitchell, L. Sberg. (2008, June 21) Graduation rates declining in L. A. unified despite higher enrolment, study finds. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved March, 5 2009, from http://articles. latimes. com/2008/jun/21/local/me-grads21

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Is Psychotherapy More Effective When Therapist Disclose Information Ess

â€Å" Is Psychotherapy More Effective When Therapist Disclose Information About Themselves? † In the world of psychology therapist raise a question whether or not they should â€Å"disclose personal information during psychotherapy. Several therapists â€Å"have suggested that therapist self-discloser can have a positive impact on treatment. From this view, self-discloser by the therapists may elicit greater discloser by the client enhancing the possibilities for client self-exploration†(e.g., Bugental, 1965, chap. 7; Jourad, 1971, chap. 17; Strassberg, Roback, D’Antonio & Gable, 1977). In addition, â€Å"self-discloser is thought to encourage an atmosphere of honesty and understanding between client and therapist, fostering a stronger and more effective therapeutic relationship†). However many other therapist disagrees with that statement. They reply â€Å" psychodynamic theorist since Freud have generally regarded therapist self-disclosure as detrimental to treatment because it might interfere with the therapeutic process, shifting the focus of therap y away from the client†(e.g., see cutis, 1982b; Freud, 1912/1958; Greenson, 1967, chap. 3). In addition, it is argued that therapist self-discloser may adversely affect treatment outcome by exposing therapist weakness or vulnerabilities, thereby undermining client trust in the therapist†(e.g., see cutis, 1982b, 1981) According to the journal â€Å"These differences in identifying therapist self-disclosures may be of importance in the evaluation of their impact on treatment. For example, theoretical concerns about therapist self-discloser have emphasized the risk of shifting the focus of therapy away from the client. However when therapist self-disclose, are in direct response to comparable client disclosers the presumed risk of alerting the focus of treatment is likely to reduced†. The study: clients There are a total of 36 clients that participated in the study, 15 being men and 21 being women. All of the clients requested therapy and also the clients are over the age of 18. â€Å"Exclude from the study were clients exhibiting sings of psychotic behavior, disoriented thinking, or neurological impairment†. The mean age of the clients is 27, the range 18-42. The client â€Å"presenting problem included issues such as depression, social or performance anxiety, relationship conflicts or lack of impulse control. None of the client where ... ...erapist self-discloser may adversely affect treatment outcome by exposing therapist weakness or vulnerabilities, thereby undermining client trust in the therapist†(e.g., see cutis, 1982b, 1981). In reading this study, the main aspect I realize was none of the clients had any sever problem. This might have been one of the reason why the study came out so positive. If a therapist disclose personal information to a client without a sever problem, I feel there could be a good chance of a positive outcome. However, I feel that if a client has a sever problem this act should not take place because the therapist is now â€Å"shifting the focus of therapy away from the client†(e.g., see cutis, 1982b; Freud, 1912/1958; Greenson, 1967, chap. 3) and that it self is damaging the client. In summation I feel that this study is true to a certain point what was not put to study was the levels of problem the clients were facing and to determine the level of improvement. I feel that this act should only take place when clients have minor problem and not major problem. In addition, if a therapist decided to disclose personal information it should be in the interest of the client and not the therapist

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Minorities at War Essay

Many people’s lives changed in various ways during and after the World War II. The lives of women and minorities such as African Americans and Native Americans, changed drastically mostly in a positive way. Just like during most wars, women found jobs and opportunities. This was mainly because men and husbands went to work in industries and factories in different parts of the country while others went to war as soldiers. With reduction in the male taskforce, young girls and married women had to take up responsibilities and jobs that were traditionally considered to be for men (Mays 17). Unlike the First World War, where women served as secretaries and nurses, in the Second World War they were placed in more skilled jobs such as: research, electronics, engineering and mechanics (Mays 17). The Women’s Army Corps was created in 1942, which enabled women to participate in combat fields as pilots and other support personnel but not in direct combat. The war served as a major platform for women in society, women started being viewed as useful in various fields and not just as caregivers. The opportunity to take part in jobs that were traditionally considered for men also empowered women psychologically (Mays 17). The fight for equality for all citizens began after the civil war where President Lincoln freed the slaves. The Select Service Act was passed in 1940, allowing Hispanics, Native-Americans and African-Americans to enroll to all the branches of the army. The war offered opportunities for many African Americans to escape poverty in their rural homes (Reinhardt and Ganzel). Many blacks enlisted in the army trying to escape a long period of tenant farming and Depression in the Midwest and South. The army recruited Negroes but still practiced segregation (Reinhardt and Ganzel). In the chaos of war, especially after Pearl Harbor, the army had to work together and segregation was broken. After the war, many blacks opted to remain in towns and do work related to what they did in the army instead of going back to their rural homes (Reinhardt and Ganzel). Movements for fighting for civil rights had been created. The post-war era, was a period of exceptional struggle by the African Americans against the second class citizenship that had been accorded to them. They resisted racial discrimination and segregation through nationwide protests, boycotts, rallies and civil disobedience (Reinhardt and Ganzel). Many blacks joined civil rights movements and legal efforts were made to challenge segregation and inequality through courts. These efforts were rewarded with the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 which outlawed racism and segregation. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was also passed allowing all races to vote. The passing of these acts was a great step in the demise of second class citizenship (Reinhardt and Ganzel). The struggle by the blacks to achieve equality inspired and influenced other civil rights groups as well such as Native–Americans and Hispanics. The war as witnessed was a great turning point for both women and minorities in America. They were all empowered by the situations created by the war to improve their status in society and fight for their rights. Work Cited: Mays, Dorothy A. Women in early America: struggle, survival, and freedom in a new world. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Inc. Publishers, 2004. Reinhardt, Claudia and Ganzel, Bill. â€Å"Civil Rights for Minorities†. Wesley Living History Farm. 26 August 2010 from: http://www. livinghistoryfarm. org/farminginthe40s/life_18. html

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The True Heroes are Firefighters Essay - 1100 Words

The True Heroes are Firefighters In todays superficial society, there are many stereotypes and groups into which people are categorized. There are also many people that are celebrities, who many ordinary citizens see as leaders in life. Many high-end sports figures such as Michael Jordan or Ray Lewis are seen as heroes and idols to many youths in America and around the globe. However, what they do is not really heroic; rather it is merely grown men playing a game. After the tragic events or September 11th, another type of hero, a true hero, has come to be heralded in America. The courageous men in this group are called firefighters, and protect citizens twenty-four hours a day, seven†¦show more content†¦They allow us to dream and to wish that one-day, we could be in such a position. In many cases, people will follow such a popular person just to try and be somewhat like that amazing individual. Many of the same principles that applied in nineteenth century society, prescribe to todays as well. In over 100 years, society still sees popular individuals as heroes and idols. Those who follow their lead now have a term to classify them by, which is hero worshipers. Carlyle better explains this as he said, Worship of a Hero is transcendent admiration of a great man.(Carlyle,11) It is the natural meaning of man to do such a thing, to look up to someone higher than themselves. These are the basic principles to leadership in the modern world. It can be applied from the beginnings of time to the present, or It is to this hour, and at all hours, the vivifying influence in a mans life.(Carlyle,11) Hero worship can be seen at many different levels in society, from just everyday ads in newspapers to faces carved into mountains. Mount Rushmore is feasibly the epitome of hero-worship. It not everyone that can get their bust carved into a large mountain in North Dakota. Many people believe it to be the ultimate d edication to those four Presidents who led this nation to greatness. There are also some people who think it a popularity contest at its highest form, claiming that all Presidents led the nation in some way, shape or form.Show MoreRelatedHeros, A Hero, And Abraham Lincoln And Frederick Douglass751 Words   |  4 PagesIt never did and it never will.† In order to see the true side of people, you need to be willing to find the total of corruption and wrongdoing which will be forced upon them. This will continue to happen until they are finally opposed. Heroism is the act of being brave and selfless, putting others before yourself. A hero will always do the right thing no matter the circumstances, even if they have to risk their own life to do so. 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